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Thursday 28 March 2013

Love your laptops just same way you love your lover

I insisted on lover because there is no way you can marry who you don't love.Handle and taking care of laptops is easy and simple but many owners still find it difficult to practices.
Taking care of your laptop is one of the most important things you should know. You would want to take advantage of its full life, don’t you? It might have cost you quite a bit out of your pocket so it is just proper that you’d do everything to take care of it and maintain its good health. Here’s what every laptop owners should do to protect and extend its life.
1. Do not eat and drink while you’re in front of your laptop. Spilled liquids and fallen food crumbs and bits can easily damage the sensitive circuitry inside.
2. Do not touch the LCD screen. Close the lid gently by holding it with both hands when shutting it off. This is to avoid breaking it. It is also important to clean your monitor with approved cleaning materials only. Screen repairs don't come in real cheap so you may want to make sure the monitor is taken cared of properly.
3. Keep its temperature cooler by installing a laptop cooler or chill mat to reduce its operating temperature.
4. A laptop’s battery is like human muscles – if you don’t exercise it, it’d become useless. Use your laptop's battery until it tells you to recharge. At least once a week unplug it from the wall and let it run on battery power. This will make the battery life lasts much longer.
5. Do not let it run for straight two days, even on powerful laptops. Laptops can get very hot and leaving it on for a longer period of time may cause overheating. It is advisable to install software that automatically puts your laptop in a sleep or hibernate mode or even shut it down after a period of inactivity.


John Blaze said...

Nice Post Bro...Keep it up.

NBS Web Managers said...

Thanks man.