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Thursday 19 March 2015

Science:A developer in China has built an entire 57-storey building in just 19 days.

Does this news sound untrue?I don't think so because I feel It's another way to proof to you  that everything is possible when you don't mess around.For some of us who procrastinate without considering the consequences should begin to turn new leaf.And if you are currently attaching any form of seriousness to your plans,career and environs?You have to be inspired my friends.

Science:100-year-old California man goes skydiving for his birthday

Back here in my locality,I know how old people looks when they are in their 70 to 80s.Some of them cannot even move their legs let alone jumping.I'm quite shocked and perplexed watching an old man defiling the force of gravity to mark his 100 years birthday.
You may want to know who he is.
His name is Vernon Maynard, a retired car dealer from Palm Desert, Calif. he had always wanted to try skydiving — and a friend helped make his dream a reality in time for his 100th birthday. Maynard says most of his doctors wouldn't give him permission for the daredevil stunt, but his orthopedic doctor finally signed off on it.

While most centenarians are content to simply blow out a candle on their 100th birthday, Vernon Maynard jumped out of an airplane.