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Friday, 3 May 2013

Technology: Differences between iPhone and Blackberry

I know this might not be a new thing to some persons out there.But for those planning to buy a multi-functional new technology mobile phone then you are possibly standing in the middle of an iPhone and a Blackberry. Since I understand your dilemma I decided to give you their top 5 differences and let you choose.

(1) The looks
In terms of design both devices look amazing and can steal a glance. The design of the iPhone was definitely something that took Cell-phone design into a different level nevertheless the last Blackberries if compared to the old ones are extremely stylish. However if we had to give the price for the best looks then it would go to the elegant and sexy looking iPhone, but again this comes down to the matter of personal taste. 

(2) Email Service
And the Oscar goes to the Blackberry. Due to the fact that a Blackberry is connected to the Microsoft Exchange server which allows the device download an email instantly on the phone plus it has an LED informing you that your new email has arrived this phones consider the best in this area. On the contrary it takes at least 15 minutes for an iPhone to recognize a new email and you should be checking all the time if you have a new email.

(3) Typing-Writing
In this case you would be looking at a virtual keyboard on the iPhone and a full QWERTY keyboard on a Blackberry (apart from the Storm model). The Blackberry will give you the feeling of using your computers keyboard which for some it is a convenience instead of having to learn how to type on a virtual keyboard. In this case we leave it to you as it depends on what kind of use you need your phone for.  

(4) Entertainment – Multimedia
The iPhone was mainly developed for this purpose. To you give you excellent video, music and image handling entertainment. There is just a single point that Blackberry stands ahead and that is the quality of its camera nevertheless in respect of multimedia abilities iPhone is considered better one. 

(5) User Friendly
Both devices have their advantages in terms of usability. When you first place you hands on an iPhone you might find it a bit strange to operate it due to its full touch-screen design. However after sometime you find it an enjoyable game-style experience. About the Blackberry it has the ability of doing things quicker as it is full of shortcut keys. So again we leave this one to you.

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