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Monday, 10 August 2015

Read how a drone was used to deliver drug at the prison

A few years ago when  I read about the benefits of drones to man which includes: delivering of goods purchased online, tracing of crime scenes, monitoring of oil theft, terrorist, flood disaster and its environmental impact. I was among the millions that believed the world is going to be a better place to live in soon with such a fantastic innovation. Little did I know such a beautiful device can also be used to ridicule the society, to an extent of delivering drugs in the prison? What's the tendency that sooner or later this same device won’t be used to deliver a bomb in a gathering place, market or congregation?
It is hard time our intelligence teams become more vibrant, vigilant and technologically creative if the world must subdue her enemies.
 amazing story of how a drone was used to deliver drug at the prison MANSFIELD, Ohio (AP) — Officials say a drone has dropped a package of drugs into an Ohio prison yard while inmates were outside, sparking a fight.

The package was dropped July 29 at the Mansfield Correctional Institution, about 65 miles southwest of Cleveland. A spokeswoman for the Department of Rehabilitation and Correction tells the Mansfield News Journal it contained almost a quarter of an ounce of heroin, over 2 ounces of marijuana and more than 5 ounces of tobacco.

Officials say video footage shows the drone over recreation yards immediately before a fight began. An investigation determined the drone dropped a package intended for an inmate on the north recreation yard, and it was thrown over a fence to the south recreation yard.

The inmates were separated and searched. No injuries were reported. 

Source: huffingtonpost.com

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